Set-up Reduction, also known as Quick Changeover is a systematic approach that enables organizations to build on the principles of the Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) system to dramatically reduce or eliminate changeover time. S.M.E.D. is a powerful tool for reducing downtime due to setups and changeovers. The name suggests the method by which equipment can be changed from one product to the next in the most effective way, and in the shortest possible time. Effective SMED programs identify and separate the changeover process into key operations. External Setup involves operations that can be done while the machine is running and before the changeover process begins, Internal Setup are those that must take place when the equipment is stopped. SMED and quick changeover have many benefits to the manufacturer.. 1) WIP and lot size reduction. 2) Finished goods inventory reduction. 3) Improved machine/resource utilization. SMED and quick changeover allows manufacturers to keep less inventory while supporting customer demand for products with even slight variations. Improsys's methodology is based on action learning model and real time project implementation. The Improsys's SMED Program give participants how SMED works, its techniques and how to implement it in the organization for effective results. Who should attend SMED Courses 1) Any individual who wish to learn SMED and its tools. 2)Any individual who wish to implement real time project.